Why Candidates Are ‘Ghosting’ Employers and What HR Can Do About It

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Ghosting in HR Recruitment

Why Candidates Are ‘Ghosting’ Employers and What HR Can Do About It

Posted on 23 January 2024 in Business | Suki Bajaj

Have you ever spent hours interviewing a seemingly perfect candidate, only for them to vanish without a trace? You're not alone. Candidate ghosting is a growing concern, leaving recruiters and hiring managers feeling perplexed and frustrated.

But fear not, HR leaders, we’re here to bring you insights on the ghosting trend and tips on cultivating a positive candidate experience to avoid the vanishing act and secure top talent.

Read on to learn more about the reasons why candidates are ghosting recruiters and what can you do to prevent it.

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Why Are Candidates 'Ghosting' Recruiters?

A recent report revealed a concerning number of candidates admitting to ghosting potential employers.

This alarming trend is costing companies time, resources, and valuable hires, sending a wake-up call for organisations to rethink recruitment strategies.

According to the respondents, they ghosted the organisations after:

  • Experiencing a poor interview
  • The organisation was different from they initially expected
  • Receiving a better job offer from another organisation
  • The working hours described during the interview were not a good fit
  • The working model for the job was not a fit for them
  • There were too many interview rounds

But for jobseekers, the biggest red flag during the hiring process is the lack of communication from potential employers. Other red flags include:

  • Companies avoiding questions about pay
  • Vague job descriptions
  • Disorganisation/need to reschedule meetings
  • Poor impression of the company's culture
  • Lack of human connection

Source: HCA Mag article dated 17/10/23

Companies must reform their hiring practices to streamline the process, improve interview methods, eliminate discrimination, and create a more engaging experience for candidates.

How To Avoid Ghosting in the Recruitment Process?

Put yourself in the candidate's shoes. Would you appreciate the way you're handling the process? Remember, ghosting reflects poorly on your company and can damage your reputation as an employer.

By following these tips, you can create a more positive and efficient recruitment experience for both candidates and your HR team.

  1. Be a communicator:

    • Set clear expectations: Outline the interview process, timelines, and communication channels in the job description and initial outreach.
    • Update proactively: Keep candidates informed, even if it's just to say "your application is progressing." Let them know if deadlines shift or interviews reschedule.
    • Respond promptly: Aim to acknowledge applications within 24-48 hours and address follow-up questions within 48-72 hours. Respect candidates' time.
    • Close the loop: Inform all candidates, even those not selected, about the outcome. Offer feedback if possible.
  2. Streamline the process:

    • Shorten the interview loop: Multi-stage processes can lead to frustration and drop-off. Reduce unnecessary application steps and communicate timelines clearly.
    • Use technology efficiently: Implement automated tools for initial screening or scheduling interviews.
    • Prioritize feedback: Don't let interviews pile up without giving feedback.
  3. Show candidate experience matters:

    • Personalize communication: Use the candidate's name, instead of generic templates, and address their specific skills or experience.
    • Highlight your company culture: Showcase what makes your workplace unique and appealing.
    • Offer resources and support: Provide interview tips, company FAQs, or contact information for questions.
  4. Remember, it's a two-way street:

    • Respect a candidate's decision: If they withdraw, let them go gracefully. Ask for anonymous feedback to improve your process.
    • Learn from ghosting: Analyse why candidates may be dropping off and address the root cause, whether it's unclear communication, a lengthy process, or lack of company appeal.

By prioritising communication, efficiency, and candidate experience, you can reduce ghosting and attract top talent. Always bear in mind that you're not just recruiting, you're building relationships.

Hire Smarter, Faster with QuickHR ATS Software

With QuickHR Applicant Tracking System (ATS) Software, you can instantly monitor and update job postings, secure the best-suited candidates (locally and globally), streamline interview scheduling, keep track of application status – all in one platform!

Through automated disbursement of necessary documentation, you can ensure seamless digital onboarding of hired applicants onto your Employee Database.

Hiring managers can also create a solid talent pipeline of potential candidates for future hiring. For example, past candidates who were turned down in the past but are more suited for new roles can be called back to apply for these jobs.

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