Security Officers Enjoy Improvement On Promotion Eligibility

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Security Officers

STC: Security Officers Enjoy Improvement On Promotion Eligibility Beginning Next Year

Posted on 19 Nov 2018 in Business by QuickHR with 0 Comments

Singapore security officers have something good coming their way beginning next

year. This latest development is aimed to provide better career progression to those working in the security sector.

According to the Straits Times article published on 17th November, security officers can expect faster promotions. Mid-career entrants to the security industry can also expect higher pay grades.

The Security Tripartite Cluster (STC) ultimately desires to have more emphasis on skills and competencies by having skills-based criteria in place. This move was immediately accepted by the Ministry of Home Affairs (MHA).

Through the Progressive Wage Model (PWM), the number of years required for promotion is significantly reduced, while the minimum wage is improved. The career progression/move for each rank and corresponding minimum wage are as follows:

  • From the current one year for promotion, security officers can be promoted to senior security officers in six months. Minimum salary is $1,100.
  • From the current two years for promotion, senior security officers can be promoted to security supervisor in one year. Minimum salary is $1,300.
  • From the current two years for promotion, security supervisors can be promoted to senior security supervisor in one and half years. Minimum salary is $1,700.
  • Promotion from senior security supervisor to chief security officer remains at two years.

It is also known that career shifters or mid-career entrants (supervisory level) who wish to join the security industry hold back as they need to start with the lowest ranking (based on the current PWM). Beginning next year, The STC allows mid-term career entrants to start in a higher rank with better wage.

STC’s latest directive on security officers, a model for the rest

All workers who belong to any sector deserve continuous career progression and development. The latest STC’s directive aimed towards the security industry drives this point home. Rising from the ranks with measurable skills-based criteria is fair, just and incontestable.

Different government agencies constantly review their current programs to make it relevant. As soon as better ways and means are discussed, amendments are made. As such, the Progressive Wage Model proves to be just that – Progressive.

With the government’s support, the level of motivation to rise from the ranks significantly increases. It should provide Singapore’s workforce the needed kick to even further discover their full potential. In return, they gain improved self-esteem, executive knowledge and of course, financial strength.

The current change on promotion and minimum wage parameters for security officers serve as a model for other countries. As Singapore is one with the world’s leading countries in promoting fair and equal employment, other nations may make the recent STC’s move as an inspiration.

Before the impeccable infrastructure; impressive national and domestic statistics; and a steady stream of foreign investments – the country’s workforce is responsible for having all these successes in place. Therefore, if the workforce gets enough support, great results are expected. Indeed, the development of every country’s workforce is vital to the national progress.

Security industry’s HR department MUST be prepared

The implementation of this STC’s directive is expected to have its set of challenges. For one, the security industry’s HR department should already be fully prepped to keep up with the changes. The department should beef up their technology to avoid wasting time in manual documentation and tracking.

Salary changes, upskill training sessions, movement from one level to the next, and much more should be efficiently monitored. Each member of the security industry must be given a detailed documentation of their progress. Manually performing all these tasks are possible, however, it is expected to be time-consuming and prone to human error.

To avert such impending problems, a cloud-based technology is a good solution to streamline the entire HR process. All tasks are done online which translate to more efficient and productive use of working hours. The cloud technology also provides accurate reports whole all information is guaranteed safe and secure.

Call QuickHR through +65 6908 8158 or email at to know how we can help you prepare for the changes brought about by the STC’s new ruling on security officers. Let us show you how much easier tasks become after switching to a cloud-based HR solution.